
OVERLOAD - The Ultimate Six-Degree-of-Freedom Shooter

Created by Revival Productions

Experience the ultimate six-degree-of-freedom shooter from the people who invented the genre!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

May Update #1
almost 8 years ago – Mon, May 09, 2016 at 10:52:52 PM

Hello? Anyone here? 

Yes we are! Sorry to be quiet lately, but we are moving forward on all things Overload at Revival Productions. Here is what has been keeping us busy. 


We moved out of our small, basement office into a space with natural light! We now have an office in Champaign, IL that will fit all of the Revival Productions team at once. No more bumping into each other or wondering where a visitor could sit. Luke could even lie down, which may come in handy when the launch date approaches. Some are still working from other locations, but the Champaign office gives us a great base and room for growth if needed. 



It feels great to focus completely on the game!  We are concentrating on many wide-ranging issues to set up future work.  This includes a variety of concept art to hone in on what robot and environment designs we will move forward with.  It also means a lot of design documentation to develop a cohesive and balanced game.  We are changing robots to make smarter AI and open up new behavior possibilities.  In addition, the level editor is getting updated with an eye on usability.  We're excited to map out the direction of key elements in the game.  In the last month, we:

  • Created and refined list of weapons and robots for final game
  • Prototyped all weapons and weapon upgrades
  • Pre-loaded items and effects to improve performance and reduce stuttering
  • Switched weapons to be more data-driven, easier to edit
  • Prototyped some temporary-effect powerups (invulnerability/etc)
  • Prototyped some level design elements (forcefields/etc)
  • Created prototype challenge mode level
  • Started new song "Driven"
  • Formally signed Allister Brimble to create music
  • Started on automap
  • Refined level editor
  • Worked on and refined high-level story concept
  • Changed most pathfinding to use paths created on demand as opposed to using pre-computed static array
  • Made pathfinding aware of obstructions like 3d decals and doors
  • Fixed pathfinding bug causing slowdown when it was impossible to create a path
  • Conducted environment theme studies
  • Created prototype robot sketches
  • Worked through player ship concepts to narrow down design
  • Implemented first-pass cockpit 


We now have over 90% of our backer surveys filled out; great job everyone! Just a friendly reminder to follow the link from your BackerKit email to answer questions regarding your rewards. You can update your information or upgrade your tier there. 

We would love to hear more from you, so please join the forums on PlayOverload or look for us on Twitter or Facebook.  Thank you for all the support!

Survey Reminder and Overload Pre-Orders now available
about 8 years ago – Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 06:59:59 PM

Survey Reminder

Just a quick reminder to all backers to please fill out the survey you received this past week.  Most of you already have, so thanks for getting them done so quickly!

Calling it a survey is a misnomer, because we can't send your rewards without knowing the details of how you want to receive them.  If you haven't received the survey you can go straight to and login with the email you used for this Kickstarter.  If that isn't working, or your email has changed, send us a message and we can get things fixed.

Overload Pre-Orders

For those who missed the Kickstarter campaign but wanted to support Overload, now you can!  The Support Overload page is live on our site.

We've taken the most popular Kickstarter tiers and made them available as pre-orders, and the same add-ons are also available.  The only thing we won't be including with the pre-orders are free copies of Inferno 2.  Please note, T-shirts for pre-orders will be a different design than the Kickstarter backer T-shirts.

Stretch Goals Continued

Even though the Kickstarter campaign is over, we'll still be tracking our funding total and progress towards stretch goals.  Both pre-orders and increased pledges through Backerkit will count towards reaching those goals.  Because Backerkit counts redirected pledge amounts (from the original campaign) in their total, we'll be adding a Total Funding amount to the Support Overload page so everyone can see the actual progress towards those goals.

Inferno 2 Codes

Speaking of Inferno 2, we'll be sending out codes/links to everyone who has filled out their survey.  This will be our first time sending out a large quantity of codes/links, so whatever scripts/tools we use for this will make things easier for sending out Overload codes when it's done.

Steam + DRM-free Clarification

Just a quick note that in our survey, we accidentally made Steam and DRM-free two separate options for how you receive Overload.  These should have been a single option since we intend to send all backers both ways of accessing the game (for a single user) for each digital copy purchased.  You don't need to go back and change anything on BackerKit, we fixed it on our side.  If you chose either Steam or DRM-free, you will receive both.

Mac & Linux Playable Teaser Builds

Apologies for the delays in getting these out to everyone.  We've updated the Mac & Linux builds to match the PC version.  Here are the links:

Mac PT Build 5

Linux PT Build 5

Lightshafts are disabled by default in this build because they cause issues on many cards on Mac/Linux, but you can enable/disable them in the graphics options menu.  There is also no VR support in these builds.

Survey Time
about 8 years ago – Wed, Apr 06, 2016 at 07:06:08 PM

Backer surveys are coming!  

Today we will send an email with a personalized link to the Kickstarter fulfillment survey.  The survey is powered by BackerKit (see below for details), and it's where you choose your reward options, enter your shipping address if needed, and manage your information.  If interested, you are able to up-pledge or choose add-on options with ease.  We've answered a couple questions about the survey below.

We would love for you to join the Overload Community on our website forums and chat at  

What is BackerKit?

BackerKit is a service that helps us collect and organize all of our backer information. These guys are great and have been trusted by many Kickstarter projects.


How Do I Fill Out the BackerKit Survey?

Just click the link in the email invite and follow the on-screen instructions from there. You will not need to create a login or password to fill out your survey - just follow the personalized link, and you’re good to go! If you want to go back to review or edit your responses, just click on the link in your survey email again, or enter your email address into the BackerKit project page to recover your survey link.


I Can't Find My Survey Email.

The personalized survey link was emailed to the address that you provided for your Kickstarter profile. To determine what email address that is, simply login to Kickstarter and check under "Account" which can be found inside the "Settings" menu. Also check your spam folder, and if you still can't find the email, just contact us at [email protected].


Can I Add Items or Change My Pledge Level in BackerKit?

Definitely! You can add items and change your pledge level all from inside the BackerKit Survey. When you finish your survey questions you'll see the Add-On screen. From here, you can add items to your reward (like an additional digital copy of Overload), or you can click the "Want to upgrade to a different pledge level?" button. If you pledged more money than the value of your tier+shipping, you will see a credit when you get to the Add-On screen. If you add items whose cost exceeds your available credit you'll be prompted to enter a credit card to pay the additional cost.


Can I Change my Survey Answers Later?

Yes, you can update or modify your survey answers anytime before we begin shipping. Simply click on the same personalized email link or go to where you can modify your responses. We will be sure to let you know when we are close to shipping, and when we will "lock down" the survey. One thing to note is that you must fill out the entire survey before we can ship your reward.


If you have any issues, please contact support at

A Final PT Build, and Thank You!!!
about 8 years ago – Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 10:01:49 PM

Hello Everyone!

This past week, we've been recovering from the exhaustion of the Kickstarter campaign and doing lots of planning work so we can make the full game, but that doesn't mean we haven't been thinking about you guys. 


Every day of the Kickstarter was a whirlwind of stress and joy.  Now that it's over, we want to give a big THANK YOU to everyone who backed and joined us for the 24-hour livestream last week.  Rather than write that over and over a thousand times, we made a video:



We have one final build of the Playable Teaser, with VR and non-VR support in one package, ready for you guys.  Most people can just run the build normally, but if you have a VR device *and* you don't want to use it, use the ForceNoVR file instead.

Here are the Windows versions:

Steam link:

We'll get the Mac/Linux versions built soon and post those in the comments along with some suggestions on handling any graphical issues you may encounter.


Even though there are still some minor issues left to fix, we expect this to be the last version of the Playable Teaser.  We're logging the rest of the bugs and compiling feedback, but the priority now is making the best game possible, which means shifting attention and time away from the teaser.  Note that we'll have future demo builds this summer for people who backed at the Beta Tier and above.

So now we're doing lots of design work to flesh out the story, robots, weapons, level elements, and many other things, a lot of scheduling, and generally just figuring out what we still need to do to finish the game.  We try to keep things lean and efficient at Revival, but Overload is still sufficiently big that we need to have a plan of attack.  Plus, working on this game is a blast, even when it's just figuring out how many days each robot/level/weapon will take.


We'll be sending out surveys in the next week or two that will have a few questions (and the chance to change your rewards) for you to fill out so we can fulfill rewards.  We'll also be adding a store to our website where people who missed the Kickstarter can still support the development of the game.

Thanks again to everyone for their support!

- Revival

THANK YOU!!! You guys are amazing!
about 8 years ago – Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 10:39:34 PM

With just under 2 hours left, we passed our funding goal!  It's been a delirious last 24 hours for all of us.

We want to extend a huge THANK YOU to all of the backers who made Overload happen, not only with your pledges and positive comments, but for ALL the wonderful support in spreading the word on Overload!

Look for the backer survey in the next week or two after we recover from getting the teaser together and the final week of promotion.  We're sure many of you are as exhausted as we are worrying about whether we would make it or not.